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A simple, painless mouth swab is all that is required for a DNA relationship test which will determine if two or more people are biologically related.

Two individuals and either biological parent are included in the base price, but additional participants may be added as required. Including a biological parent is optional, but can increase the accuracy of testing.

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Add €100


Full Siblingship DNA Test (to determine whether two individuals share both parents)

Additional sibling

Half Siblingship DNA Test (to determine whether two individuals share one parent)

Additional sibling


Add €100

Grandparentage DNA Test (to determine whether an individual is biologically related to one or both grandparents)

Additional grandchild


Add €100

Aunt/uncle (avuncular) DNA Test (to determine whether an individual is biologically related to an aunt/uncle)

Additional neice/nephew


Add €100

Y-chromosomal (Paternal) DNA Test (to determine whether two males are paternally-related)

Additional paternal relative


Add €100

Mitochondrial (Maternal) DNA Test (to determine whether two females are maternally-related)

Additional maternal relative


Add €100

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Full Siblingship DNA Test

To determine whether two individuals share both biological parents. Two individuals and either biological parent are included in the base price, but additional siblings may be added as required. Including a biological parent is optional, but can increase the accuracy of testing.

Select number of siblings


Half Siblingship DNA Test

To determine whether two individuals share one biological parent. Two individuals and either biological parent are included in the base price, but additional siblings may be added as required. Including a biological parent is optional, but can increase the accuracy of testing.

Select number of siblings


Grandparentage DNA Test

To determine whether an individual is biologically related to one or both grandparents. One grandchild, one or both grandparents, and the grandchild's biological parent are included in the base price, but additional grandchildren may be added as required. Including a biological parent is optional, but can increase the accuracy of testing.

Select number of grandchildren


Aunt/uncle (avuncular) DNA Test

To determine whether an individual is biologically related to an aunt/uncle. One niece/nephew, one aunt/uncle, and the niece/nephew's biological parent are included in the base price, but additional nieces/nephews may be added as required. Including a biological parent is optional, but can increase the accuracy of testing.

Select number of nieces/nephews


Y-chromosomal (Paternal) DNA Test

To determine whether two males are paternally-related.

Select number of paternal relatives


Mitochondrial (Maternal) DNA Test

To determine whether two females are maternally-related.

Select number of maternal relatives